First of all, please accept my apology for missing last week’s blog. For those of you who aren’t my Facebook friends, I had an accident: split my forehead open – to the bone – ; badly bruised and, I think, strained my right arm; wrenched my back and bruised my knees. Who knew going to the toilet in the dark could be so dangerous!

Anyhoo, I was still feeling sick, sore and sorry for myself by the Saturday and I was still on a break from the internet. I’d look at the screen and feel woozy, so I gave up. It’s a shame because I had intended to share with you my lovely sea-side holiday. Oh well…maybe next year. I’m still sore and head-achey and a bit fed up with it all but on the plus side I now have a brilliant scar on my forehead. Eat your heart out, Harry Potter!

I’ve given a lot of thought as to what to comment on this week but, let’s face it, the news is just too depressing. The world’s in a right old mess. It’s easy for a person to feel overwhelmed by the greed, heartlessness, injustice and stubborn ignorance that holds the world in thrall. One could think that there is nothing one can do. When I get like that I think of two things: 1. The story about the fella on the beach throwing back the stranded jelly fish one at a time. He can’t save them all but he can save some, and 2. God is bigger than me.

However, there was one news item that made me laugh. Okay, I laughed in a cynical, you’ve-got-to-be-kidding-what-were-they-thinking kind of way but a laugh nonetheless. It was a blurb about a relatively new airline to Australia from Malaysia. (Not the funny bit.) There was footage of happy Malaysian tourists being welcomed at our airport and there they were, right out the front: two blokes in costume. One was a kangaroo; fair enough. The other was a great white shark with a big smiley mouth full of sharp pointy teeth. Yes indeed: welcome to South Australia where you can cuddle a kangaroo, if you can catch one and it doesn’t kick you first, and then go for a swim and be eaten by Brucie. Ah hahahaa. Whoever thought that one up didn’t really think it through. Or, on a more sinister level, is it another part of the government’s plan to repel all potential immigrants who aren’t white Anglo-Saxon? Hmmm.

Regardless of the motive behind the costume, I looked at the smiley man-eater waving to the crowd and I laughed myself silly. Thanks tourist board/advertising guy. You made a sick and sore woman feel a touch of joy.

STOP PRESS NEWS: I’ve just seen a copy of the cover design for my eBook and it’s brilliant! If I knew how to post a picture on this thing I’d do it. I can’t wait for you all to see it. Huzzah!

Until next time, stay safe people. Be careful if you go swimming, in case you become something’s lunch. And, be careful going to the loo: lift your feet.