Whassup blogland?
Greetings to all my readers in blogland. Don’t we live in interesting times? Syria is almost completely reduced to rubble. Indonesia is burning. The UK is taking their ball and going home, leaving Europe to wonder what it’s done to offend them. The United States is about to implode. Australians are getting sick of the 1% taking from the lower 60%, while the ones in the middle are working out which group to side with. The Congo is still waging war with itself: since 1966, 6 million dead and counting… Oh, wait. No one cares about that.
I find it disturbing that the USA – which has always portrayed itself as the great bastion of democracy – is having a democratic crisis. If it collapses into a fascist state, which is quite possible, then what does it mean for the rest of us? If you’re white, and are reasonably financially secure, you should be okay but I’m worried about the rest of humanity.
What on earth is Mr T doing? And, why on earth does the Republican Party continually leave him off the leash? Fire Mueller? Really? If that happens, then the US can no longer say they abide by their constitution and the rule of law. If the President and his companions are innocent, what do they have to fear? Surely, Mueller will find them innocent?
As soon as you start trying to block an investigation, you look as guilty as heck, even if you’re innocent. How can the American people retain trust in their government? (I know there are some who think Mr T is the Messiah and one step down from Jesus, but to quote Monty Python, “He’s not the Messiah, he’s just a naughty boy.”)
Meanwhile, on the home front, a friend has been recently diagnosed with bowel cancer. (Waving to you-know-who.) Another friend is still fighting metastatic breast cancer (like what I’ve got) but it’s obvious she’s coming to the end of the struggle. Another friend’s husband has been told his prostate cancer is flaring again and their daughter in law has been diagnosed with leukemia. Bloody cancer! We hates it, my precious. (I’m beginning to think it’s too dangerous for people to be my friend. Perhaps I’m a modern day Typhoid Mary, except with me it’s cancer.)
Sometimes it’s difficult, keeping all the sadness and worry and grief, in balance with all the good things, like puppies and butterflies and the kindness of strangers. Sometimes the dark side seems like it’s winning. Well, I’m not giving in. Not this little black duck! Who’s with me?
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