For those who were wondering: my presentation of “The Rainbird Murders, 1861” seemed to go well. The room was full, and they even had to bring in more chairs. No one coughed, or wriggled, or murmured, or muttered for the entire hour and a quarter. (I think having photos to look at helped deal with the boredom factor.) There were lots of conversations with people afterwards, which were great. I especially loved chatting with the farmers whose families have been working the same properties since before the event. All in all, in spite of the day knocking the stuffing out of me (never, I repeat, never forget to take your painkillers, no matter how busy you get!), it was a good day out.
So, now that’s over it’s back to “normality”. I’ve still got book two of The Flight to finish. I still have a comedy that I’ve been working on, to finish. And, I still have the Rainbirds’ story to revise, re-edit and to send back out into the publishing world, with my fingers and toes firmly crossed.
The world of politics is a major distraction. Not only do I have the Americans to worry about, thanks to Donald Trump winning his own reality show (oh please, oh please, don’t vote for him!) and his main opposition being a person that very few people seem to like or trust (what a great choice, America, well done!), now Australia has an election coming up in about two months time. Thank all that is sensible and good, at least our elections don’t drag on as long as the American one. As it is, most Aussies are over the electioneering and just want to vote and get it over and done with, and it was only announced last weekend!
It seems to be a global trend these days that, in many countries, the choice of leader comes down to, “Who is the least unbearable?”. Then again, in the Philippines they went with, “Who is the craziest and who promises to kill the most people?”.
Iceland is looking pretty good, these days.