As a change from the deeply-emotional-life-can-be-terrible-why-do-people-have-to-die sort of blog, I’ve decided to take a slightly different tack today.
I’ve been blessed to have both cats and dogs share my home at various times in my life. They’re different in so many ways but they’re the same in the important ones.
A cat: Very well, you can scratch me under the chin for four seconds; that’s long enough; now leave me alone for the rest of the afternoon.
A dog: Yes, yes, yes! Scratch me, please, anywhere you like, for as long as you like; no, don’t stop…what have I done wrong? Why are you walking away?
A cat: I know I enjoyed the tuna yesterday but today is Saturday. I scoff at your tuna. I sneer at your chicken. Where’s the caviar?
A dog: FOOD!
A cat: I’ve brought you a mouse. You should be pleased. Of course, I refuse to eat it – eewww – and I’m not entirely sure it’s dead, but it’s your responsibility now.
A dog: Mouse? Where? What?
A cat: You were out all day? Really? I didn’t notice.
A dog: You’re home! You’re home! I know you only went to get the letters, and it only took five minutes, but you were gone!!!
A cat: These are my humans. I am free to ignore them, or scratch them, or drive them crazy by racing around the house in the middle of the night but I will be deeply offended if you upset them. So… don’t.
A dog: These are my humans. I would die for them but, if you hurt them, I’ll make sure you die first.
Cats and dogs and things they have in common: Fur (and, sometimes, fleas); love.
Cats and dogs: the yin and yang of the animal world.