Wendy and her Writing Workshop

Last Saturday the Old Boy and I packed two boxes – one with copies of “Beast-speaker: The Flight” and “Beast-speaker: Dragon Friend” and the other with a selection of books to give away – and set off for the Gawler library, in...

Here be monsters

Why write fantasy? And, why dragons? If it has to be “magical”, why not some nice little story about a fairy godmother or a giant beanstalk? (The people who ask this question obviously haven’t paid much attention to the fairy stories that they...

They’re getting organised.

I posted a comment on Facebook about an encounter the previous day with a road jerk. For those of you who aren’t my “friend” on that site, here’s a bit of info: a driver was being a road-bully. He was doing his best to stop us passing him...

Teach your children well… (Crosby, Stills and Nash)

Human beings seem to be hard-wired to need, to respond to and to let our lives be shaped by stories.  Right back in prehistoric times, we were painting scenes on walls and telling tales by the fire. Until the advent of writing materials, every people’s group had...

I’m back, but I’m not sure I want to be.

For the past few weeks I’v been on holiday. The Old Boy, the Wonder Dog and I, like to retreat to a small cabin in the south west of Victoria, in a little town that boasts one pub, one small general store, a school for about 20 kids and a few houses. Our cabin...