I learned some ‘techno’, sort of.

I’ve been asked what I learned at the giggle of writers last week so here goes. We writers must use social media to promote our work and to build our ‘brand’. (Not sure what my brand actually is but I’m hoping it’s pink and fabulous.) To...

Ah the good old days

I didn’t do a blog last week so I thought I’d better not miss another one. But…the thing is… I’m off to a giggle of writers in about half an hour so I haven’t given myself much time to do this. Oh well. I’m sure you’ll...

I’m not listening

The Old Boy, the Wonder Dog and I are on holidays. We’re in a cottage/cabin/thing in the middle of cow and sheep country, about 20 minutes as the crow flies from the sea and in the foothills of a national park. (Spoiler alert to all burglars: our house is being...

How can I keep from singing?

When I was twelve, I belonged to a girl guides’ troop. We met in the evening. I had to walk home, on my own, at about nine o’clock when it was dark and quiet. I used to be afraid the whole time until I got home.  (It was only about a ten or fifteen minute...

The green-eyed monster

I’m being stalked by the green-eyed monster. I’m trying to give it the slip by keeping my head down and my nose clean, and thinking happy thoughts. But, I can still see it, out of the corner of my eye, lurking around the corner. So many of my editing...