Wendy and her Writing Workshop

Aug 4, 2018 | 0 comments

Last Saturday the Old Boy and I packed two boxes – one with copies of “Beast-speaker: The Flight” and “Beast-speaker: Dragon Friend” and the other with a selection of books to give away – and set off for the Gawler library, in Evanston Gardens. I was going to take a workshop for writers wanting to write Fantasy for Younger Readers and the Old Boy was going to handle the sales of my books. (He’s in charge of the doodad that lets people buy with their credit card. I have no idea how it works.) He was also my roadie, carrying the boxes into the library etc.

I expected two or three participants so I was surprised when the librarian said that over 20 people had registered with her to attend! She said that some were bringing their children and were my “fans”. I thought, “Well I know who that will be: Mrs L and her daughter, Miss K, and Mrs W and her daughter, Miss C.” (They were the only “fans” I knew who might come along.) I was wrong. Apart from two ladies I’d met through my last involvement in the Festival of Words in Gawler, I didn’t know anyone.

There were 6 children there. I think their parents misread the title of the workshop. Instead of reading it as “writing fantasy for younger readers”, they read it as “writing fantasy, for younger readers”.  (Those tricky commas!) I was worried the kids would be bored and suggested that they should feel free to wander off into the library and find a good book to read. They all stayed. They even took notes! And, apart from one extremely shy young man, they also chatted to me before and after the session.

I wasn’t surprised at the interest of the adults, several of whom had works in progress. One said that I’d given her some ideas and another said I’d cleared up a problem area for her. I have no idea how I did that, but I’m delighted that I did.

But, what made my day was seeing the young ones so keen on reading and writing books. One young lad told me about a story he’s writing on his iPad. It sounds great! It gave me hope for the next generation.

I had far too much material to give them so, if there’s a next time, I’ll cut down my input and allow more writing time for the attendees.  It even made me wonder if I could or should offer a 4 week or 6 week course of writing workshops. Perhaps, next year? There was so much I wanted to share, and the hour and a half just flew by. 


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