Mug of coffee: check. Pillow in the small of my back: check. Old Boy out of the house: check. Wonder Dog fed and sleeping on back of armchair: check. Okay, I’m ready to rock and roll.

I open up the Writing folder in Word documents. I go to the piece I’m currently working on. I read the first three paragraphs and realise I’ve bored myself stupid. I find myself thinking, once again, of the myriad of programs and/or apps I could purchase to assist me in my “craft”. Would having Scribblers Inc in my PC make the writing any less boring? Perhaps not, but it’s handy to have something to blame other than myself.

I’ve got to liven up the prose. Strong verbs are important. “He walked into the lounge room…” Hmm, let’s see: walked, strolled, ambled… That all sounds a bit too casual. I’ll leave it for a bit and come back to it.

Why the lounge room? Why have him go there? Did I walk him there just for something to do, or is there a deep dark purpose that’s essential to the plot? Maybe I should forget the lounge room and keep him sitting in the kitchen? Yeah, that’s the ticket. He’s draining (much better than “drank”) the last dregs  of coffee from his mug… Oh wait – he has to go into the lounge to get the magic book. It’s sitting on the top shelf of the bookcase. Okay we’re back to walking: crept, slunk (slinked? No, I’m sure it’s slunk), slithered… Don’t be ridiculous, he’s not a reptile!

I’ll let my subconscious wrestle with that while I check out publishers and agents. No fantasy, no fantasy, no children’s books, no young adult books, no children’s fantasy, no submissions without an agent… Okay, switching to searching for agents. No fantasy, no children’s, no children’s fantasy, no new clients… Ooh, I found one that’s open to new clients and they do fantasy! Wait a minute, they sound familiar. That’s right, I submitted to them already. Their fantasy reader/editor is no longer with them so they don’t do that genre any more. I guess they haven’t updated their website.

Strode, marched, goose-stepped, stomped: all a bit too aggressive.

Time for another cup of coffee. Sip it while it’s hot and pretend there’s chocolate to go with it. There would have been if  I hadn’t weakened last night, while watching  the football. I’ve got to develop more moral fibre!

Why do I even have to walk him into the lounge room? Couldn’t he just go there? Teleport? That’s a bit over the top, isn’t it? Besides, he hasn’t found the book so he can’t do that stuff. Don’t forget, he doesn’t yet know the book is magical.

I put a load of washing in the machine and wonder what it would be like if the dryer could double up as a time machine. Main problem (taking the invention of time travel for granted): it’d have to be way bigger than that. At the moment only the Wonder Dog could fit in. He keeps trying to climb in as soon as I open the door. Maybe he knows more than he’s telling.

I have it; I’ll just start the story in the lounge room. No need for him to walk anywhere! Delete first two paragraphs. Simple. I’m on a roll! Lunch time.