I’d like to thank all the spammers who regularly visit this site. A number of you have been faithful followers of my blog since day one and, even though you’ve yet to make it into the comments section, I appreciate your faithfulness and respect your perseverance. Most of you are always so encouraging. I appreciate the many who take time out of their busy days to tell me about SEOs and the ineffective quality of the links/videos and music you think I have on my site…but I actually don’t. My apologies to the few who think my posts don’t make any sense and are riddled with spelling errors. Judging by the interesting grammatical constructs used in your messages, would I be correct in assuming English isn’t your first language?

Thank you, also, to the many suggestions I’ve received of “cures” for cancer. I know that you have my welfare in mind and I am deeply humbled by your concern. However, I refuse to fast for 42 days, drinking only herbal teas and vegetable juice. I don’t see the point of dying of malnutrition while trying to fight cancer. Earlier this year, due to a chronic reaction to medication, I lived on weak black tea, ginger beer and toast for five weeks. I only lost about 4 kilos (since replaced) but I was so weak I couldn’t stand up or stay up without help. The cancer in my ribs wasn’t bothered by the lack of protein or dairy or anything resembling a decent meal. It sat there in defiance. In fact, I think it even laughed at me.

I know it’s fashionable to ignore scientific research and the medical profession, and many prefer to return to the Middle Ages’ reliance on herbal treatments. Don’t get me wrong; I’m all for Vitamin C, healthy foods, echinacea and so on. Unfortunately naturapathic cures usually need a lot of time to work, which is why they’re not effective against things like cancer. The cancer cells grow faster than the herbs can work. In the old days herbal cures worked with lesser ailments but the big ones still killed people, which is why we have modern medicine. I say: Thank God for Harvey (circulation of the blood), Lister (antiseptics), Pasteur (germ theory), Florey and Fleming (penicillin) and all the others. I have an excellent oncologist, who I trust and like, and I intend to take his advice. Please, don’t worry.

I’m thankful that spring has sprung. The birds are building nests. The wildflowers have sprung up along the roadways. The almond trees are in blossom and waft gently in the warm breezes. We have made it through another winter and the earth rejoices. There is so much for which to be grateful. Why waste time and energy worrying about what can’t be changed, or dwelling on the nasty side of life? Life is a gift; unwrap it and enjoy!