The cuckoo in the nest

Many years ago, I won a scholarship to spend a year in the USA. I was sent to live with a family in Kennewick, Washington State. The family consisted of Hollis and Verdine Davis; their oldest daughter Carol, who was married and had a daughter, Shiela; a daughter,...

All the fathers I have known…

 I was blessed to have three fathers in my life: my dad, my American daddy and my father-in-law. I only lived with my American daddy, Hollis Davis, for a year but he had a huge impact on my life. He was a big, strong, farmer with a talent for working with wood. He...

A modern Shakespearean tragedy

Once upon a time, there was a charming, clever and wealthy young man  ( M. T. ) who wanted to be in politics. He wanted to help rule the land. He asked if he could represent the Labor Party. After all, he thought he held similar aspirations, including the desire for...

Let’s talk

In recent years I have noticed that people are no longer able to have a calm, rational debate. They are unable to listen to or consider a different point of view without becoming angry and even abusive. For example, I have American friends from both sides of what I...

Wendy and her Writing Workshop

Last Saturday the Old Boy and I packed two boxes – one with copies of “Beast-speaker: The Flight” and “Beast-speaker: Dragon Friend” and the other with a selection of books to give away – and set off for the Gawler library, in...

Here be monsters

Why write fantasy? And, why dragons? If it has to be “magical”, why not some nice little story about a fairy godmother or a giant beanstalk? (The people who ask this question obviously haven’t paid much attention to the fairy stories that they...